BBC iPlayer TV: Search Pattern


Helping people find the programmes they love


TV Platform experience

UX Designer, alongside Senior & Creative Director

UI/UX Design




BBC iPlayer is the BBC’s dedicated video-on-demand service that allows users to stream BBC content through the iPlayer website, phone & tablet apps, and application on connected TV devices.

The development of iPlayer v.4 on connected TV was an exciting opportunity to define how a user could navigate through the app with their remote. And in particular, answer the question: how do you design a remote-led interaction for search on TV?


A remote control driven interaction pattern that allowed users to search for a TV programme




Remote control mapping

Mapping vertical remote control clicks from primary navigation down into keyboard input, and again into the suggested programme section - which then switches into horizontal orientation to select a particular episode. 

Building upon signature pattern experiences

Central to the design approach for the search pattern was the opportunity to leverage signature interaction patterns already being developed within BBC TV experiences. These included the signature delayed rollover state of stream items, the fixed focus state when navigating through the stream, and the expansion of programme collections.

Early explorations look at how an existing horizontal collection pattern could be re-used in the context of search input & functionality - a particular challenge with a television remote’s limited 5-point navigation.


BBC iPlayer: Screen Framework


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